err/or air


Artist Book with Clamshell Box: letterpress, screen & xerox transfer
prints on rust-stained kitikata paper, assorted papers,
New Zealand possum skins.
11 x 8.5 x .5 inches

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Brooke works to integrate process and material, her way of expressing content for the work. She often experiments using natural processes, subjecting materials to earth, weather and other elements
around, observing what happens with their interaction.

In err/or air, she works again with In the Wave of the Father,* a poem she wrote and used to shape an earlier artist book, Scrapped. err/or air alludes to the “breaking down,” the part of a
larger cycle of shaping and reordering the earth.

*Written in response to a photograph of the Enterprise, the aircraft carrier on which her grandfather was one of its captains during WWII. During his term, a Kami Kazi pilot bombed the carrier. The
photo documents a hole in its deck from the explosion with the crew standing by. This photograph has been the inspiration for five earlier artist books and the poem, In the Wave of the Father.**

**In the Wave of the Father


it had a name
when it hit it it hit at it it
had a name
it it it it it it at it it at him
a name
a child’s name
see he believed
his name named to live
his name
it itat it itat it at it hit at it
at itself self he hit
eyeballs hit eyeballs hit
balls eye believed
bless me father for
I have skin


blasted sails
toilet paper m i l e s
w a t e r s r o l l i n g

a wind didn’t wait

pull s t ugs
tugs p u l l e d

a r r o w s thRashEd

blunders billow agains
walls so white

no corners


bless father
cough up
turn back
gravel pit
hardscrabb le cuts rubble
m ant led
br ok en c ob bled t’s
sh red s ja gs scr ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

bless me
father sinned
full stop
bless bless